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This is my blog! feel free to view my posts and learn about what skills I have learned over the past months. Below are a few quick links to get to the different topics that I go over on this blog!


"The Views and opinions expressed in this blog are solely those of the author and do not represent those of Durham School of the Arts or Durham Public Schools."

  • Writer's pictureBrittania Whittick

Updated: Dec 18, 2021

Finally completed my first game! It took me a little more than a month to complete. For this first game we were told to make an escape-the-maze type game with enemies to encounter along the way. I spent most of my time creating the scenery; from adding trees, bushes, and terrain. Making sure that the the scenery looked the closest to a forest was my top priority. After creating my forest, I focused on how I could draw the player into the cave. I did this by making some of the trees bend towards the entrance of the cave. I created both 3D and 2D assets for my game as well. My 3D assets were the sculpture at the end of the maze, and a direction post in the cave trying not to make it too obvious where the exit is. My main 2D asset was a stone texture. It was made for the ground of the forest. My level design consisted of figuring how how I could guide the player through the maze. This involved a blood trail leading to the enemies, the enemies, and glowing lights. Lastly, my original sculpture is a hand reaching up to the sky and on the plaque it says "You Escaped... Impossible". My game is free to play below!


  • First ever game

  • Exploration game

  • Enemies

  • Writer's pictureBrittania Whittick

Im working on a storyboard of a medieval fantasy game, with 6 different key events that carry the game. I started with a bit of backstory to help the players understand the reasoning behind characters in the game. My game is about a group of friends who explore a fantasy world. They don't realize that they are being closely watched by divine beings who protect the fantasy world. These protectors sit and watch what they will do. What do they want? are they good or bad? They are deeply intrigued by the intruders and make it their job to figure out the nature of these outsiders.

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  • Writer's pictureBrittania Whittick

Updated: Dec 2, 2021

For this activity I thought for a while about what game Ideas I could pump out for this specific activity theme. I need to come up with a few concepts with the information I was given, and these are 10 I came up with:

  1. A group of heroes unite over the course of the game to fight against an evil vandal of ancient artifacts and paintings. This is set in the Medieval period and it involves magic and entering each artifact and finding clues to eventually defeat the vandal. Defeating this vandal will create a sense of stability for their people and will preserve their peoples history.

  2. A team of young heroes band together over the tragedies of their world as it seems that people around them don't care enough to find harmony of their world again. Over the course of the game, 8 characters learn to respect each other and form a stronger bond, realizing friendship is the key to bringing order to their world.

  3. Ancient protectors of a fantasy world have kept its creatures safe for centuries but they realize somethings off for the first time in a long time: There are intruders. These Intruders reminded them a lot of those they encountered hundreds of years ago who were most vile they have ever seen. They are evil selfish creatures... but maybe these are different? are they good? Your job is to find out. Your actions indicate whether not these intruders are friends or foe.

  4. A troupe of warriors are on their way into battle through a snow storm and lose their way within it. When the storm clears they realize they aren't in the same place they once were. The troupe's new mission is to find their way out of this strange land.

  5. A group of Mages return from a trip and find their home rotted and dead. People are relieved for their return and put their hopes in them to fix it. The mages need to find out why this happened by asking the towns people and collecting clues.

  6. A group of thieves get a tip about a great loot spot, taking what they wanted and leaving without knowing that trouble they were about into. They looted the kings trusted subordinates house. These thieves are on the run from the law and they can't afford to get caught.

  7. This involves rivaling nations who have been at war with each other for as long as anyone can remember. A group of warriors fight to the death for their country.

  8. At this point I have run out of ideas. My brain is empty no matter how hard I ty to come up with more game ideas. My sincerest apologies.

  9. At this point I have run out of ideas. My brain is empty no matter how hard I ty to come up with more game ideas. My sincerest apologies.

  10. At this point I have run out of ideas. My brain is empty no matter how hard I ty to come up with more game ideas. My sincerest apologies.

My second game idea would be a good game concept because it centers around the characters and their connected backgrounds. Players don't want to start a game and immediately get thrown into conflict without knowing why. I believe understanding the plot and allowing the players to struggle with the characters is a good start to creating a game people will enjoy.

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WIP: *Work In Progress*

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