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Welcome to My Blog!

This is my blog! feel free to view my posts and learn about what skills I have learned over the past months. Below are a few quick links to get to the different topics that I go over on this blog!


"The Views and opinions expressed in this blog are solely those of the author and do not represent those of Durham School of the Arts or Durham Public Schools."

  • Writer's pictureBrittania Whittick

Updated: May 25, 2022

I can't believe we're already past another mission! This mission feels like a whole other level of difficulty than the first. In this mission we learned how to use particle systems, and how to work with side scrolling games! I never knew so much code was involved with animated explosions and general animation for characters within games. Going through this mission showed me the different ways that text can be used in games. Game Over screens, victory screens, and the way to keep score for different types of games. This is something I'm specifically interested when I start to make my game because I want to add a dialogue system that is constant throughout the game, so this was very helpful way to practice. A lot of the code that we used felt very convenient and it reveals a lot of the secrets behind the games we play. The way that new enemies are generated at a faster rate as the game progresses for example.

Counting Prototype


  • Junior Programmer: Create with Code 2

  • Side Scrolling Game Development

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  • Writer's pictureBrittania Whittick

Last week we were introduced to a new coding course, this time It's a course from Unity. So far the Instructor is explaining the concepts and controls very well! I feel like I'm actually being taught how to use Unity now. When the Instructor creates any new code, He breaks it down for us and tells us how each piece of it creates the code that we want. I am at the part in the course where we are learning how to make a car move.

So far I haven't had any major issues following along, the Instructor really starts from the bottom and builds it up well. I'm interested to see what's next!


  • Unity Course

  • Actually understanding!!

  • Car go vroom

  • Writer's pictureBrittania Whittick

I have finally started coding In unity! my introduction to coding was by watching a LinkedIn Learning course on some of the basics. Watching the tutorials honestly felt like I was watching it all happen but I wasn't truly understanding. It's felt the same as someone who is skilled in a topic explaining it to you in ways that only make sense to them. There were so many terms that went unexplained. If I was told to code on my own after the course, I wouldn't know where to even begin. It baffles me how someone can get so used to coding terms, to the point where they can flush our code without any help. I would love to get to that point, but as of right now, I'm nowhere close.


  • ???

  • Coding in Unity

  • LinkedIn course

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WIP: *Work In Progress*

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